Intelligent traffic light controller systems – Paper presentation on ITST 2017

Our colleagues Norbert Varga and László Bokor together with András Takács, József Kovács and László Virág from Commsignia Ltd. have presented their results on  V2X communication-centric traffic light controller systems during the 15th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST) in Warsaw, Poland. The presented work (available on ieeexplore) focuses on advanced traffic light / traffic signal controller systems which will play an important role in adaptively and dynamically coordinating individual traffic lights of near future smart cities to manage city-wide objectives of traffic operations using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to- infrastructure (V2I) communication  techniques (together referred as V2X).  Dynamic real-time information exchange between all the players of the traffic controlling ecosystem and fostering cooperative urban mobility are the main goals of the proposed architecture while the presented testbed showcases the authors’ proof-of-concept implementation of the proposed scheme.


Novel results on mHealth QoE evaluation – Presentation at QEEMS’17

Our colleagues Tamás Péteri, Norbert Varga and László Bokor have presented their novel results on mHealth QoE evaluation during the first International Young Researcher Summit on Quality of Experience in Emerging Multimedia Services (QEEMS 2017). Their paper (available online) focuses on pervasive and ubiquitous mHealth services that rely on heterogeneous network (HetNet) technologies comprising a combination of different cell types and different access technologies to ensure advanced communication solutions for critical services and patient-centric, customized, ’care anywhere’ mHealth applications. The paper presents the initial results of a medical Quality of Experience (m-QoE)
evaluation procedure performed to analyse multimedia-intensive mHealth applications over heterogeneous mobile network access technologies.

New DNS64 performance measurement tool

DNS64 and NAT64 are IPv6 transition technologies enabling IPv6 only clients to communicate with IPv4 only servers. Our performance measurement tool, dns64perf++, is the word’s first standard DNS64 benchmarking tool that complies with the relevant Internet Draft. Its design and implementation is documented in our new position paper: G. Lencse, D. Bakai, “Design and implementation of a test program for benchmarking DNS64 servers”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E100-B, no. 6. pp. 948-954, Jun. 2017. DOI: 10.1587/transcom.2016EBN0007