László Bokor received the M.Sc. degree in computer engineering from the Department of Telecommunications, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in 2004, the M.Sc.+ degree in bank informatics from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, BME, and the Ph.D. degree from the Doctoral School of Informatics, BME. He has researched in multiple EU-funded and national research and development projects for several years. He is currently with the Department of Networked Systems and Services (HIT) as an Associate Professor and leads the Commsignia–BME HIT Automotive Communications Research Group at BME and the Vehicle Communication Working Group of the Mobility Platform at KTI Institute for Transport Sciences. He is a member of the HTE (Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary), the Hungarian Standards Institution’s Technical Committee for Intelligent Transport Systems (MSZT/MB 911), the TPEGoverC-ITS Task Force within the TPEG Application Working Group of TISA, the ITS Hungary Association (the Hungarian organization of ERTICO’s Network of National ITS Associations), and the BME’s Multimedia Networks and Services Laboratory, where he participates in different R&D projects. His research interests include IPv6 mobility, SDN/NFV-based mobile networks, mobile broadband architectures, network performance analyzing, network simulation, heterogeneous future mobile networks, mobile healthcare infrastructures, and V2X communication in cooperative intelligent transportation systems. In recognition of his professional work and achievements in mobile telecommunications, he received the HTE Silver Medal (2013), the HTE Pollák-Virág Award (2015, 2022), and the HTE Gold Medal (2018). He was a recipient of the UNKP-16-4-I. Post-Doctoral Fellowship in 2016 from the New National Excellence Program of Hungary’s Ministry of Human Capacities. In 2018 and 2023, he was awarded the Dean’s Honor (BME VIK) for education and research achievements in the field of communication of autonomous vehicles and for the development of industry-academia cooperations at the faculty, respectively; in 2020, he received the BME HIT Excellence in Education Award.