New PhD students in the lab

We proudly announce that this September three new PhD students have joined the MEDIANETS team.

Yasameen Sajid earned her MSc degree from Al-Qadisiyah University, Iraq, in 2021. From 2021 to 2024, she served as an Assistant Lecturer. In 2024, she was awarded the prestigious Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship, enabling her to pursue PhD studies at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). Her research focuses on network routing, energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks (WSN), and network traffic and event classification.

Hassanien graduated from the University of Technology and Engineering as a Computer Engineer in Baghdad (Iraq) in 2006, then he got a master degree from Reading University (Advanced in computer Science) in the UK in 2014. In September 2024, he got Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship to join the PhD program at BME MEDIANETS Lab. His primary research interests are machine learning, reinforcement learning, traffic management for autonomous vehicles.

Mohammed Mohaisen received his MSc in Business Informatics Engineering from Corvinus University of Budapest in 2023 and holds a BSc in Computer System Engineering from Al-Azhar University. He is currently a PhD student at the BME MEDIANETS Lab under the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship, where he also serves as a laboratory assistant for the Basic Programming 1 course. His research focuses on machine learning-based traffic optimization in smart cities and V2X communication.

Our colleague László Bokor participated in the annual Car-2-Car forum

As a result of the invitation of our industrial partners, our colleague László Bokor participated in the Car2-Car Communications Consortium’s 2024 Forum in Frankfurt. The 2024 meeting of the professional and scientific community of automotive communications on October 22-23, 2024, in Frankfurt, Germany, highlighted several hot topics, such as actual deployment questions of cooperative intelligent transport systems, relevant activities of the automotive industry, the current state of the art in the field of protection of vulnerable road users and optimal usage of radio resources. László Bokor was involved in discussions of C2C-CC activities requiring advanced simulation modeling of V2X communication technologies and solutions.

Our Head of Lab, Vilmos Simon was elected by the HUN-REN Headquarters Governing Board as a member of the Scientific Council, among the members of the College of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

HUN-REN was established to manage and operate a centrally funded, independent research network that is a cornerstone of Hungarian scientific life. The researchers of its eleven research centers and seven research institutes, as well as its 116 supported research groups operating at universities and other public institutions, are in the fields of mathematics and natural sciences, life sciences, and they carry out basic and applied research in the most diverse areas of the humanities and social sciences. The Scientific Council supports the work of the Governing Board, comments on proposals of strategic importance prepared for the Governing Board, prepares strategic proposals and carries out an annual evaluation and decides on the powers delegated to it by the Governing Board.