Conference paper published at ICCV 2015

Our conference paper has been published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2015). In our paper, we presented a methodology for tracking pedestrians in an uncalibrated multi-view camera network. Using a set of color and infrared cameras, we proposed an algorithm that can accurately track pedestrians in a general scene configuration. In our experiments the common field of view of two neighboring cameras was about 30 %. The system improves upon existing methods in the following ways: (1) The system registers partially overlapping camera-views automatically and does not require any manual input, (2) The system reaches state-of-the-art performance even though the common field of view of any two cameras is low and successfully integrates optical and infrared cameras.

One can download the paper from the website of the conference.


New conference paper has been published: “Crowdsensing Solutions in Smart Cities: Introducing a Horizontal Architecture”

Our conference paper has been published in the proceedings of  the International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM 2015). We introduce a path for transforming the current vertical solutions of today containing separated solutions in various domains into a horizontal, unified architecture and ecosystem, giving a way to novel technology and business opportunities. Paper was written in cooperation with Ericsson Research, Hungary.

One can find it at one of the following links: ResearchGate, or Google Scholar!

New journal paper published in Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer

The Multimedia Tools and Applications journal is one of the most popular journals on the field of media technology. The new paper is referenced as Árpád Huszák, “Advanced Free Viewpoint Video Streaming Techniques”, International Journal on Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, ISSN 1573-7721, pp 1-24, November 2015

The paper is available at the journal homepage.