Conference paper published at MT-ITS 2015

We published the following paper at the 4th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS 2015; Budapest, Hungary; 3 – 5 June, 2015): K. Farkas, I. Lendák: “Simulation Environment for Investigating Crowd-sensing Based Urban Parking”. It presents a simulation environment for analyzing crowd-sensing based applications in the Smart City application domain which has been developed in cooperation with colleagues from University of Novi Sad and our laboratory.


LDM-based dynamic network discovery and selection for IPv6 mobility management optimization in C-ITS environments

We published a new article entitled “LDM-based dynamic network discovery and selection for IPv6 mobility management optimization in C-ITS environments”, where we presented our proof-of concept LDM-based and CAM-supported mobility management solution designed for ITS/C‑ITS enviroments during the 4th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS 2015) in Budapest, Hungary (3-5/06/2015).

For more information please visit our webpage’s publications section!

Presentation at the Parliament of the Information Society

Head of MEDIANETS, dr. Vilmos Simon served as an invited speaker at the most important and prestigious event for Hungary’s information society, the Parliament of the Information Society. This event is also the most important venue for representing the interests of non-governmental participants. With the previous years’ successful conferences in mind, a brand new event type was created: the non-governmental, professional Parliamentary forum. True to the spirit of the principle of representation, the aim was to provide a venue where the people from all parts of the industry can present their views to the key decision makers regarding the information society. This event is the most important meeting point for public administration, the public, and the ICT industry, while also serving as the venue for the annual report of ICT decision makers.img01