The representatives of MEDIANETS Lab, Csaba Szabó, Vilmos Simon, Árpád Huszák and László Bokor gave several presentations about their most recent research activities during the Creating Connections – Building Bridges Workshop at the Technical University of Kosice in Slovakia (March 27, 2015). They also provided an update on the actions and opportunities of the EIT ICT Labs Budapest Associate Partner Group. The “Creating Connections – Building Bridges” initiative fosters knowledge transfer between the two universities and helps cooperation aiming to tackle the challenges of starting H2020 projects and involvement to ICT Labs activities.
Network-assisted smart access point selection DEMO in Perugia
Due to the fast evolution of wireless access networks and high-performance mobile devices together with the spreading of wearable medical sensors, electronic healthcare (eHealth) services have recently started to receive more and more attention, especially in the mobile Health (mHealth) domain. The vast majority of mHealth services require strict medical level Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) provision. Emergency use-cases, remote patient monitoring, tele-consultation and guided surgical intervention require real-time communication and appropriate connection quality. The increase of overlapping wireless accesses makes possible to provide the required network resources for ubiquitous and pervasive mHealth applications. Aiming to support such use-cases in a heterogeneous network environment, we proposed a network-assisted intelligent access point selection scheme for real-time mobile telemedicine services. Our solution is able to discover nearby base stations that cover the current location of the mobile device efficiently and to trigger heterogeneous handovers based on the state and quality of the current access network.
The demonstration took place during the final review event of CONCERTO on 05/02/2015 at theFaculty of Medicine of University of Perugia, Italy.
For more information visit MIP6D-NG’s homepage!
Article published in the Acta Politechnica Hungarica journal’s recent issue
Károly Farkas, member of MEDIANETS, published an article in the Acta Politechnica Hungarica journal’s recent issue (March 2015, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 123-139., IF: 0.471) with the title “Placement Optimization of Reference Sensors for Indoor Tracking”. In this article, a simulated annealing based method and its simulation based performance analysis are presented to find the optimal number and placement of reference sensors in a given area to be used for indoor positioning.