Vilmos Simon received his PhD from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in 2009 and is currently an associate professor at the Department of Networked Systems and Services and Head of the Multimedia Networks and Services Laboratory. His research interests include self-organizing mobile networks, mobile crowdsensing, flocking optimization in self-organized networks, Internet of Things. He participated in several research projects including the EU ICST-FET FP6 BIONETS where he also acted as a WP leader. He published 40+ papers in international journals and conferences, and acts as a reviewer or organizer for numerous scientific conferences. He serves as a president of the Telecommunications Section in the Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary.
Invited Speech at SPIN 2015 conference
Our colleague, Károly Farkas gave a presentation about Smart Cities as an invited speaker at the 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing & Integrated Networks (SPIN 2015) taken place on 19-20 February, 2015 in New Delhi, India. More information about the conference:
‘Invited Speech’ a SPIN 2015 konferencián
Kollégánk, Farkas Károly meghívott előadóként tartott előadást ‘Smart City’ témakörben a 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing & Integrated Networks (SPIN 2015) konferencián, melyet 2015 február 19-20-án rendeztek az indiai Új Delhiben. További információk a konferenciáról: