Our colleague, Vilmos Simon has presented at the 1.Hungarian Future Internet Conference (as part of the Innotrends Hungary 2014 international conference and exhibition) the results of the FIRST (Future Internet Research, Services, Technology) national R&D project, focusing on the Future Internet Architectures area.
Specialization exhibition (Oct. 28, 2014)
A great possibility for the students to inform about the BSc specialization courses offered by MediaNets Lab:
- Infocommunications systems
- Mediainformatics and Security
Oct. 28, 2014, 13:00-17:00, Q. building
IEEE PerCom conference report in IEEE Communications Magazine
The October 2014 edition of the Global Communications Newsletter in IEEE Communications Magazine published a conference report about the IEEE PerCom conference held in March, 2014 in Budapest. Medianets Laboratory delegated, beyond one of the General Co-chairs, several lab members who were actively involved in the organization of this successful event. The published article is accessible with an IEEE account via the following link: http://digital.comsoc.org/system/files/magazines/ci/2014/october/index.html#20