Research areas
- Machine learning and data analytics for intelligent and automated cities
- Self-organized mobile networks
- Flocking optimization in autonomous networks
- Mobile crowdsensing applications
- Autonomous evolution of communications protocols
Scientific projects
AI based Intelligent Transportation System, VKE project, 2019-
Autonomous warehouse and last mile delivery (AWARD), EIT Digital, 2018
FIRST (Future Internet Research, Services and Technology), TÁMOP-4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-2012-0001 Self-organizing networks research group leader, 2012-2014
BIONETS (BIOlogically-inspired autonomic NETworks and Services), EU 6th Framework Integrated Project, Work Package leader, 2006-2009
IST-ANEMONE (Advanced Next gEneration Mobile Open Network), EU 6th Framework, 2006-2008
ETIK: Coexistence and Interworking Issues of Heterogeneous Mobile Networks, 2004-2006
NEWCOM (Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications), EU 6th Framework, 2004-2007
Mobile Innovation Center Integrated Project: 1.1: Radio traffic and resource management of mobile networks, 2005-2008
Industrial Cooperations
Digital profiling for Nokia Bell Labs, 2017-2018
Intelligent Parking System for T-Systems, 2017-
Ericsson High Speed Networks (HSN) CFT project: Mobile crowdsensing in smart cities, 2014-2015
Smart Metering Project for the Magyar Telekom, 2011