Makara László

PhD hallgató


Szoba: I.E. 449


DXC Technology

Service Delivery Coordinator (2022-)
Design, schedule and deliver AI-based solutions for clients.

AI Engineer (2020-2022)
Developing chatbot solutions based on Google Dialogflow, IBM Watson, LUIS. Data cleaning on real user agent data sets and training neural networks with it. Developing programming language detecting neural network. Developing OCR for image analysis. Developing solution for finding anomaly in time series.

AI Intern (2019-2020)
Researching and developing text structure recognition using machine learning.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Teaching Assistant (Sep. 2022-Feb. 2023)
Teaching Assistant in the English language course of Communication Networks 1 (VIHIAB01)

Research Assistant (Jul. 2022-Feb. 2023)
Testing and comparing federated learning methods as part of a project supported by Géant. Development and testing of a federated learning framework in a laboratory environment.

Research Assistant (Mar. 2021-Apr. 2022)
Real-time detection and prediction of traffic congestion based on incremental machine learning and computer vision.

Teaching Assistant (Sep. 2021-Feb. 2022)
Teaching Assistant in the English language course of Communication Networks 1 (VIHIAB01)



Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Doctor of Philosophy – (2023-)

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Master of Computer Engineering – (2021-2023)

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Bachelor of Computer Engineering – (2017-2021)


For my latest CV please see my public LinkedIn profile.