Dr. Lencse Gábor

Tudományos főmunkatárs

Email: lencse@hit.bme.hu

Szoba: I.E. 450

Telefon: +36 1 463 2055

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. habil. Gábor Lencse


1989 – 1994   5 year Master course, Technical University of Budapest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Master of Engineering degree in information technology with excellent qualification
1994 guest student, Dept. of Technical Informatics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands (one month)
1994 – 1997 PhD student, Doctoral School of Informatics, Technical University of Budapest (Department of Telecommunications)
2001 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, PhD awarded, cum laude


Professional milestones, positions, employers

1997 – 1999   assistant lecturer (college), Department of Telecommunications, Széchenyi István College
1998 – 2008 participant, research projects of Elassys Consulting Ltd.
1999 – 2001 senior lecturer (college), Department of Telecommunications, Széchenyi István College
2001 – 2002 associate professor (college), Department of Telecommunications, Széchenyi István College
2001 – 2007 member, Library Council, Széchenyi István University
2002 – 2019 associate professor (university), Department of Telecommunications, Széchenyi István University
2002 – 2009 head of specialization, information and communication technology specialization, Electrical Engineering, Széchenyi István University
2003 – 2004 lecturer, at Révkomárom, BSc in Information Technology, organized by BUTE
2005 – senior research fellow, part time (50%), Dept. of Networked Systems and Services, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2006 – lecturer, Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Engineering Sciences, Széchenyi István University
2007 – 2014 responsible for quality control issues, Department of Telecommunications, Széchenyi István University
2009 – head of specialization, info-communication specialisation, Electrical Engineering, Széchenyi István University
2011 – supervisor, Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Engineering Sciences, Széchenyi István University
2013 habilitation, Multidisciplinary Doctoral School of Engineering Sciences, Széchenyi István University
2015 – core member, Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Engineering Sciences, Széchenyi István University
2015 Publishing a book about IPv6 transition technologies (with two co-authors)
2017 guest researcher, Laboratory for Cyber Resilience, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan (June 15. – December 15.)
2018 – editor, Acta Technica Jaurinensis https://acta.sze.hu/index.php/acta/profile/id62
2019 – professor (university), Department of Telecommunications, Széchenyi István University
2019 guest researcher, IIJ Innovation Institute, Tokyo, Japan (April 2. – July 2.)
2022 guest researcher, IIJ Research Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan (September 15. – December 15.)


Research Grants and R&D contracts

1998 individual applicant, Felsőoktatási Programfinanszírozási Pályázat (name of the research grant for Hungarian higher education), “Investigation of the Output Interface Algorithms of the Statistical Synchronisation Method”
2001 – 2002   project leader, 2000/B MEH-IKB grant, establishing the Info-communications Education and Research Laboratory of the Dept. of Telecommunications, Széchenyi István University
2011 – 2012  project leader, R&D project of the Dept. of Telecommunications for Telenor Hungary Zrt. titled: “IPv6 deployment strategy for Telenor Hungary”
2012 project leader, research project financed by the Multidisciplinary Doctoral School of Engineering Sciences, Széchenyi István University, titled: “Investigation of the Fault Tolerance of IP Multicast Routing Protocols
2012 project leader, research project financed by the Multidisciplinary Doctoral School of Engineering Sciences, Széchenyi István University, titled: “Creation and Performance Analysis of a Heterogeneous Computing Environment
2012 – 2014  participant, research project TÁMOP-4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-2012-0012:Smarter Transport– IT for co-operative transport”, investigation of IPv6 transition technologies.
2021 – 2022  project leader, research project financed by the Digital Development Center, Széchenyi István University, titled: ”Research on RFC 8219 Compliant Network Testers for the 464XLAT IPv6 Transition Technology”



1997 – 1998   scholarship of UNIVERSITAS – GYŐR Foundation for finishing my PhD (1 year)
2001 – 2002 Postdoctoral scholarship of the UNIVERSITAS – GYŐR Foundation (1 year)
2002 – 2005 János Bolyai Research Grant, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (3 years)
2017 Rank „A” Foreign Guest Researcher grant, NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology), Japan, 6 months
2019 Rank „B” Japan Trust International Research Cooperation Program, NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology), Japan, 3 months
2019 Rank „A” Japan Trust International Research Cooperation Program, NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology), Japan, 3 months



2001           Publication award (journal paper), Scientific Council of the Széchenyi István College, G. Lencse, “Traffic-Flow Analysis for Fast Performance Estimation of Communication Systems”, Journal of Computing and Information Technology, vol. 9, no. 1, (March 2001.) pp. 15-27.
2013           Publication award (conference paper), Scientific Council of the Széchenyi István University, G. Lencse and S. Répás, “Performance Analysis and Comparison of Different DNS64 Implementations for Linux, OpenBSD and FreeBSD”, Proc. IEEE 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2013), (Barcelona, Spain, March 25-28, 2013.) IEEE Computer Society, pp. 877-884. DOI: 10.1109/AINA.2013.80



Participation in the International and Domestic Scientific Events and Societies

I delivered conferences lectures in the following towns (from 1995 to 2015 in the following order): Prague, Passau, San Diego, Nottingham, San Francisco, San Diego (second time), Berlin, Paris, Porto, Toulouse, Delft, Malta, Le Havre, Budapest, Essen, Rome, and finally Prague again. Many times, I also served as session chair, too.

I served as a General Conference Chair of the 2010 Industrial Simulation Conference of EUROSIS and also lead round-table discussion. For more information on the conference, see: http://www.eurosis.org/cms/?q=node/1102

I am currently a member of:

  • IECE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers), Japan

I was a member of the following organisations for many years:

  • IEEE Hungary Section, IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Computer Society
  • Society for Computer Simulation
  • HTE (was also a secretary of the local organisation in Győr)

PhD Students

  • László Muka (BME): successful defence in 2011.
  • István Derka (SZE, 50%): successful defence in 2016.
  • Sándor Répás (SZE): successful defence in 2018.
  • Ákos Kovács (SZE): successful defence in 2022.
  • Ameen Al-Azzawi (BME, from 2019.)
  • Omar D’yab (BME, from 2019)
  • Ahmed Al-hamadani BME, from 2020.)
  • Naseer A. Jabbar (SZE, from 2021.)


Budapest, September 20, 2022.

Dr. Gábor Lencse