Curriculum Vitae
Simon Vilmos Ph.D.
Birth Novi Sad, 26. 08. 1979.
Department of Networked Systems and Services, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Magyar Tudósok krt. 2., Budapest, Hungary-1117.
Tel: (+36) 1 463-3261, Fax: (+36) 1 463 3263
Current position: Associate Professor, Head of MEDIANETS Laboratory, Deputy Head of Department of Networked Systems and Services
2014- Associate Professor, Department of Networked Systems and Services, BME
2009-2014 Assistant Professor, Department of Telecommunications, BME
2009 Scientific research fellow, Department of Telecommunications, BME
2006-2008 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Telecommunications, BME
2003-2006. Ph.D. student, Department of Telecommunications, BME
Education and degrees
2003 M.Sc in Telecommunication Engineering, BME, 2003
Title of the Thesis: “Optimization of Hierarchical Mobile IPv6”
2009 Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
Title of the Theses: Mobility Management Algorithms for Reducing Signaling Overhead in Next Generation Mobile Networks
Memberships and positions
Zala Autonomous Vehicle Cluster – Corporate liaison vice president, 2018-
PARIPA Program (Industrial Partnership – Student Training and Scholarship Program) director, 2017-
EIT Digital, BME VCC Master program coordinator, 2015-2018
EIT Digital, BME Outreach leader, 2012-2015
EIT Digital, BME Education leader, 2009-2013
Member of public body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2009-
BME Habilitation Committee and PhD Council, 2009-2013
Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary, President of the Telecommunications Section, 2010-2015
MEDIANETS Laboratory at BME, 2007-
Inter University Research Centre for Telecommunications and Informatics (ETIK), 2004-2007
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), member 2002-
High Speed Networking Laboratory at BME, Head of research team, 2002-
Mobile Communications Laboratory at BME, 2001-2007
Spoken languages
Awards and scholarships
Dean’s Honor (BME VIK), 2017
Puskás Tivadar Award (highest award of Hungarian Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary), 2015
Golden Medal of the Hungarian Scientific Association for Infocommunications , 2012
Silver Medal of the Hungarian Scientific Association for Infocommunications, 2010
Crystal Ball of the Hungarian College for Higher Education in Vojvodina, 2007
Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary for Doctoral Studies, 2003-2006
1st Prize, Scientific Students’ Associations at BME, 2002, “Arpad Huszak, Vilmos Simon: Optimization algorithms for Regional registration and Hierarchical IPv6”
Teaching activities
Computer Networks, 2009-
V2X Communication Technologies of Autonomous Vehicles, 2017-
Media Communications Networks 2009-2017
Future Internet, 2015-
Mobile telecommunications, laboratory exercises, 2003-2006
Measurement Technology, laboratory exercises, 2003-2004
Mobile Internet, 2007-2012
Scientific projects
AI based Intelligent Transportation System, VKE project, 2019-
Autonomous warehouse and last mile delivery (AWARD), EIT Digital, 2018
FIRST (Future Internet Research, Services and Technology), TÁMOP-4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-2012-0001 Self-organizing networks research group leader, 2012-2014
BIONETS (BIOlogically-inspired autonomic NETworks and Services), EU 6th Framework Integrated Project, Work Package leader, 2006-2009
IST-ANEMONE (Advanced Next gEneration Mobile Open Network), EU 6th Framework, 2006-2008
ETIK: Coexistence and Interworking Issues of Heterogeneous Mobile Networks, 2004-2006
NEWCOM (Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications), EU 6th Framework, 2004-2007
Mobile Innovation Center Integrated Project: 1.1: Radio traffic and resource management of mobile networks, 2005-2008
Industrial Cooperations
Nokia Bell Labs: Digital Profiling, 2017-2018
T-Systems: Intelligent Parking System, 2017
Ericsson High Speed Networks (HSN) CFT project: Mobile crowdsensing in smart cities, 2014-2015
Smart Metering Project for the Magyar Telekom, 2011
Research areas
- Machine learning and data analytics for intelligent and automated cities
- Self-organized mobile networks
- Flocking optimization in autonomous networks
- Mobile crowdsensing applications
- Autonomous evolution of communications protocols