Vilmos Simon

Associate Professor
Head of laboratory


Room: I.E. 432

Phone: +36 1 463 1016

Vilmos Simon graduated in 2003 with M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) at the Department of Telecommunicatons. After several years of research work he received his PhD from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in 2009. Currently  he is an Associate Professor at the Department of Networked Systems and Services, Head of the Multimedia Networks and Services Laboratory and Deputy Head of Department of Networked Systems and Services.

He has done research on mobility management and energy efficiency in 3G and 4G mobile systems, self-organized mobile networks, recently his research interests include machine learning and data analytics for intelligent and automated cities, mobile crowdsensing, flocking optimization in self-organized networks, Internet of Things. He participated in several research projects including the Autonomous warehouse and last mile delivery (AWARD) EIT Digital project, where he acted as a leader of the BME team. He is currently leading the AI based Intelligent Transportation System VKE project at BME. He published 50+ papers in international journals and conferences, and acts as a reviewer or organizer for numerous scientific conferences. Besides research, he has been teaching courses on communication networks, communication technologies of autonomous vehicles , computers networks, media communications networks in the BSc, MSc and EIT Digital Master’s Programme at BME, and gave invited lectures at various places. He served as a president of the Telecommunications Section in the Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary between 2010 and 2015. He serves currently as the Corporate liaison vice president for the Zala Autonomous Vehicle Cluster.

He is the founder and director of the PARIPA Program (Industrial Partnership – Student Training and Scholarship Program), a novel complex program, unique in Hungary, where the students work on a R&D topic defined by the company, together with an academic and industrial adviser, targeting a strong liaison between the university and the industry.

He is the founder of the Hungarian student startup competition INNOversitas and  former leader of the EIT Digital Outreach program at BME, which aims to drive European leadership in ICT innovation for economic growth and quality of life, by empowering ICT top talents and bringing ICT innovations to life. He was responsible for the EIT Digital’s VCC Master’s Programme Communication Services and Applications  specialization. He is one of the founder mentors of the BME Venture Mentoring Service (BME VMS) modelled by MIT, which supports innovation and entrepreneurial activity throughout the BME community and beyond by matching both prospective and experienced entrepreneurs with skilled volunteer mentors.