Mohammad Bawaneh, PhD
Research Fellow
- LinkedIn:
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- Room: BME I.E. 221
- Mobile phone: +36 70 247 3375
- E-mail:
- 2023, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary, PhD in Computer Engineering.
- 2017, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, MSc degree in Computer Engineering.
- 2014, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, BSc degree in Computer Engineering.
- 2023-present, Research Fellow at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Networked Systems and Services, Budapest, Hungary.
- Teaching
- Participating in the preparation of a new course on intelligent network and traffic management using machine learning and data analytics methods for BSc students.
- Research area:
- Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- Machine learning and data analytics for smart systems and data-driven services.
- Supervising the research topic: Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems for:
- Project Laboratory, BSc and MSc students.
- Graduation Thesis, BSc and MSc students.
- Teaching
- 2017-2023, Researcher at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Networked Systems and Services, Budapest, Hungary.
- Research area:
- Machine learning and data analytics for smart cities and intelligent transportation management systems.
- Time series data mining and analysis.
- Research area:
- 2017-2023, Teaching assistant at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Networked Systems and Services, Budapest, Hungary.
- Teaching the following courses:
- Basics of Programming I.: Classroom practice (BSc).
- Basics of Programming I.: Laboratory exercises (BSc).
- Communication Networks: Laboratory exercises (BSc).
- Participating in the teaching of the following courses:
- Media Applications and Networks in Practice (BSc).
- Multimedia Systems and Services (MSc).
- Supervising the research topic: Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems for:
- Project Laboratory, BSc and MSc students.
- Graduation Thesis, BSc and MSc students.
- Teaching the following courses:
- 2016-2017, Instructor at Focus Academy, Irbid, Jordan.
- Teaching the following courses:
- C++ programming language.
- Visual Basic.
- Computer skills.
- Teaching the following courses:
- 2015, Teaching and research assistant at Yarmouk University, Computer Engineering Department, Irbid, Jordan.
- Teaching the following laboratories:
- C++ programming language.
- HDL programming language.
- Teaching the following laboratories:
- 2014, Instructor at Alqusour Academy, Irbid, Jordan.
- Teaching the following courses:
- C++ programming language.
- Visual Basic.
- Computer skills.
- Teaching the following courses:
- Arabic: Native.
- English: Full professional proficiency.