Research topics:
- IPv6 mobility
- SDN/NFV-based mobile networks
- Mobile broadband architectures
- Network performance analyzing
- Network simulation
- Heterogeneous future mobile networks (HetNets)
- Mobile healthcare (mHealth) infrastructures
- Communication in cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS/V2X)
R&D project involvements:
- FP6-IST PHOENIX (Jointly optimising multimedia transmissions in IP based wireless networks, involved as researcher. Main contributions: IPv6 anycast based micromobility framework)
- FP6-IST ANEMONE (Advanced next generation mobile and open network, involved as researcher. Main contributions: Native IPv6 3G UMTS testbed)
- EUREKA-Celtic BOSS (On-board Wireless Secured Video Survelliance, involved as researcher. Main contributions: GPS-aided Predictive Network Mobility)
- FP7-ICT OPTIMIX (Optimisation of Multimedia over Wireless IP Links via X-layer Design, involved as researcher. Main contributions: Host Identity Protocol simulation framework called HIPSim++)
- EURESCOM P1857 (Ultra Flat Architecture for high-bitrate services in fixed mobile convergent networks, involved as contact person/WP leader/researcher. Main contributions: HIP-based Ultra Flat Architecture)
- EUREKA-CELTIC MEVICO (Mobile Networks Evolution for Individual Communications Experience, involved as contact person/WP leader/researcher. Main contributions: Home Agent Initiated handover for fine-grained offloading)
- TÁMOP FIRST (Future Internet Research, Services and Technology, TÁMOP-4.2.2.C-11, involved as WP leader/researcher). Main contributions: tbd
- FP7-ICT CONCERTO (Content and cOntext aware delivery for iNteraCtive multimedia healthcaRe applications, involved as contact person/team leader/researcher. Main contributions: Cross-layer optimized IPv6 mobility management)
- EUREKA-CELTIC Plus SIGMONA (SDN Concept in Generalized Mobile Network Architectures, involved as researches). Main contributions: tbd
- 5G Telco Cloud Simulator (Nokia Bell Labs – BME HIT), Simulating the effects of multiple dynamic V2X communication and service provision environments in heterogeneous 5G telco cloud systems, WP leader/researcher. Main contributions: tbd
- Smart Parking (T-Systems – BME HIT), C-ITS/V2X-based Intelligent Parking Management System, WP leader/researcher. Main contributions: tbd