Adrián Pekár

Senior Research Fellow


Room: I.E. 449

Adrian is a computer networks expert with over a decade of experience in research and practical application. He graduated from the Technical University of Kosice (TUKE), Slovakia in 2011 and defended his PhD thesis in computer networks in 2014. Adrian has focused his research on the optimization of network traffic measurement and monitoring platforms.

After completing his PhD, Adrian became a Virtual Infrastructure Network and Systems Engineer at the Institute of Computer Technology of TUKE. In 2016, he accepted a Postdoctoral Fellow position at the School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. During this time, Adrian worked on enhancing network traffic classification, measurement data reduction, and visualization techniques in both traditional and software-defined networks.

Adrian then moved to Hungary to work at the Department of Networked Systems and Services, Budapest University of Technology and Economics as an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) from April 2019 to August 2022. Since September 2022, Adrian has been working as a Senior Research Fellow, continuing his work on improving network traffic measurement and monitoring platforms.