New journal paper has been published: “Design, Implementation and Testing of a Tiny Multi-Threaded DNS64 Server”

The DNS64 and NAT64 IPv6 transition technologies enable IPv6-only clients to communicate with IPv4-only servers. MTD64 (Multi-Threaded DNS64) is a novel DNS64 implementation, designed to be able to utilize the computing power of the modern CPUs with high number of cores. Its design principles, implementation decisions and thorough functional testing are documented in our journal paper: Gábor Lencse, András Gábor Soós, “Design, Implementation and Testing of a Tiny Multi-Threaded DNS64 Server”, International Journal of Advances in Telecommunications, Electrotechnics, Signals and Systems, vol. 5. no. 2, pp. 68-78, DOI: 10.11601/ijates.v5i2.129