We proudly announce that this September the number of active members of the MEDIANETS laboratory has been increased by four (to 26 members): a research fellow and three PhD students have joined the team.
Péter A. Kara received his PhD degree from Kingston University in 2020. He was a research associate of the WMN Research Group in London, investigating the Quality of Experience (QoE) of UHD, HDR and autostereoscopic 3D visualization technologies. Simultaneously, he has also been working together with Holografika Ltd. on light field QoE. Besides QoE and light field, his research interests also include cognitive bias and crowdsourcing methodologies.
Ahmed Al-hamadani received his M.Sc. degree from the Florida Institute of Technology in 2013. Since then, he has been working as a university lecturer at the University of Mosul in Iraq, teaching Operating Systems, and he has been working in many laboratories of the institution, such as the Computer Networks Lab, the Data Structures and Algorithms Lab, and the C++ Programming Lab. He has been awarded the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship in 2020 to start his PhD studies at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). His research interests are IPv6 transition technologies, mobile ad hoc networks, and vehicular networks.
Shubham Rana received his MSc degree from the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (Indian Space Research Organisation) in 2018. He completed the course of “Remote Sensing & GIS” (Geographic Information System), and focused on the thematic specialization of Satellite Image Analysis and Photogrammetry. He has been awarded the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship in 2020 to take part in the PhD education course of the BME. His research interests are precision agriculture, and single- and multi-frame super-resolution satellite imagery.
András Wippelhauser received his MSc degree from BME in 2020. During his studies, he was a demonstrator of Probability Theory. He continued his studies at BME as a PhD student. His primary research interests are V2X technologies, especially when it comes to cooperative platooning.