Bawaneh Mohammad

Tudományos munkatárs


Szoba: I.L.115

Mohammad Bawaneh received his BSc and MSc degrees in Computer Engineering from Yarmouk University, Jordan, in 2014 and 2017, respectively. He received his PhD degree in Computer Engineering from Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, in 2023.  He is currently a Lecturer and a Researcher at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Networked Systems and Services  (BME-HIT) in the Multimedia Networks and Services Laboratory (MEDIANETS).  Prior to that, he served as a teaching and research assistant at Yarmouk University and Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Mohammad’s research interests include time series data mining and analysis for smart systems and data-driven services, and machine learning and data analytics for smart cities and intelligent transportation management systems.  The objective of his research is to utilize big data to deliver intelligent services for a particular domain.  In addition, greening big data storage and analytics in smart cities by introducing data mining and analytics solutions to store the massive daily generated data in reduced dimensions without losing the essential information, to improve analyzing the big data, and to speed up the big data processing.  Moreover, optimizing the transportation services in cities by introducing artificial intelligence-based solutions such as traffic prediction, traffic clustering, and congestion detection.  These solutions can deliver traffic management systems with the information needed to obtain several benefits, such as smooth transportation, resource allocation, and urban planning.

Mohammad has also participated in the teaching of several courses, including C++ Programming Language, Basics of Programming, Communication Networks, Media Applications and Networks in Practice, Multimedia Systems and Services, and Network and Traffic Management. He also serves as a supervisor for BSc and MSc students’ project laboratory and thesis work in several data science related topics.