We presented our two accepted papers successfully during the MoWNet’2014 in Rome with titles “Context-aware IPv6 Flow Mobility for Multi-Sensor based Mobile Patient Monitoring and Tele-consultation” and “Client-based and Cross-Layer Optimized Flow Mobility for Android Devices in Heterogeneous Femtocell/Wi-Fi Networks“. For media and other information visit MoWNet’s homepage! Please see our papers in the publications section!
CONCERTO demonstration at EUCNC 2014
An improved version of the FP7 CONCERTO project demonstrator was performed in Bologna at the EUCNC 2014 conference, where we presented our Android-based IPv6 flow mobility architecture for multi-sensor based mHealth services. The rapid growth of multi-access mobile devices interconnected with different wearable vital sensors via Body Area Network play an increasingly important role in healthcare and provide significant solutions for home healthcare, remote patient monitoring and real-time tele-consultation. The spreading of heterogeneous and overlapping wireless access technologies make possible to mobile healthcare applications to use the available network resources efficiently and call into being the ubiquitous Internet connection for these applications. These facts motivated us to design and implement a context-aware IPv6 flow mobility management scheme for multi-sensor based mobile patient monitoring and tele-consultation. Please check our presentation on the prezi’s website or in PDF version. An article presenting CONCERTO has also been published on the last number of “net-tech future”. The online version of the magazine is available on the EC website. Please have a look at our photos below! For more media content visit EUCNC’s photo galery!
New MediaNets publication at Tridentcom 2014
Nowadays, the spreading and development of multi-access mobile devices together with the proliferation of different radio access technologies demand to design and implement algorithms which are able to exploit the available network resources. Aming to help research and development we propose an advanced, Android-based testbed and demonstration environment incorporating a cross-layer optimization platform and a flow-aware, client-based mobility management scheme. The testbed relies on MIP6D-NG. We presented our Android-based testbed and demonstration environment successfully during the 9th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities 2014 in China. Tridentcom 2014 has received 149 paper submissions, and finally selected 49 regular papers. The acceptance rate was 32.89%. Please have a look at our photos below and see our papers in the publications section!
CONCERTO demonstration at Future Internet Assembly 2014
The demonstrator of the FP7 CONCERTO project aims at showing how multimedia processing and transmission strategies studied in the project can help the implementation of telemedicine procedures to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of medical interventions. In particular, the scenario selected for the demonstration includes an emergency area where an ambulance is deployed and which sends multimedia streams (both medical and environmental) through wireless networks to a hospital where remote doctors can interact with the acquired multimedia streams and provide a diagnosis even before the arrival of the patient at the hospital.
In FIA 2014 exhibition (Future Internet Assembly, Athens 18-20/03/2014), the two main areas of the full CONCERTO demonstration were represented, namely the emergency area and the hospital. At the emergency area side, CONCERTO showed the capability to combine in real time video acquisitions of multiple cameras in a single video stream which is coded adaptively according to cross layer information on available bandwidth or on user preferences. At the hospital side, all medical and environmental videos are stocked at a coordination centre. The demonstrator showed how the videos are transmitted on a tablet of a mobile user (i.e., a doctor walking inside the hospital) in real time and adaptively according to the interactive preferences of the user.
A highly customized Android Smartphone deployed at the emergency side together with a cross-layer optimized and fine-grained (i.e., flow level) mobility management solution of MIP6D-NG capable to take advantage of different overlapping access networks (e.g., Wi-Fi and 3G) to enhance medical multimedia stream transmission to the hospital was also applied in the demonstration scenario. Please see the posters and video material below and check our papers in the publications section!