HTE Awards

Several members of the Medianets Laboratory were awarded by the Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary (HTE) at the annual general assembly of HTE on 21st May, 2015. Hence, Vilmos Simon received the Tivadar Puskás award, Árpád Huszák and Károly Farkas received the HTE Gold Medal, Bernát Wiandt received the HTE Silver Medal, and László Bokor and Károly Farkas received the Pollák-Virág award. Congratulations!

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Conference paper published at MECHEDU 2015

We published the following paper at the 3rd International Conference & Workshop Mechatronics in Practice and Education (MECHEDU 2015; Subotica, Serbia; 14 – 16 May, 2015): K. Farkas, I. Lendák: “Evaluation of Simulation Engines for Crowdsensing Activities”. In this paper, together with a colleague from University of Novi Sad we analyzed existing simulation engines and assessed how well-suited they are for simulating the formation, existence and dissolution of dynamic social networks, with a special emphasis on networks formed around crowdsensing efforts.


MATE Thesis Competition, 3rd prize!

Norbert Varga, PhD student of our laboratory earned 3rd prize in the 2014 MATE Thesis Competition, a contest between graduate MSc students annually organized by the Scientific Society for Measurement, Automation and Informatics. The supervisor of the acknowledged work was László Bokor. Congratulations!!!