Recently, the rapid growth of multi-access mobile devices interconnected with different wearable biosignal sensors via Body Area Network (BAN) play an increasingly important role in healthcare systems and provide significant solutions for scenarios of home healthcare, real-time remote/mobile patient monitoring and ubiquitous tele-consultation. The proliferation of different radio access technologies make possible mobile healthcare (mHealth) services to actively benefit from the advances of heterogeneous and overlapping wireless networks. The varying characteristics of mHealth applications (particularly different real-time monitoring solutions) in means of the required network resources and Quality of Services parameters invoke elaboration of effective flow-based mobility management algorithms. Aiming to provide a transparent and efficient mobility infrastructure for the mHealth field we designed and developed a context-aware IPv6 flow mobility management scheme for Android focusing on mobile patient monitoring and tele-consultation use-cases in a multi-sensor environment. The proposed, MIP6D-NG based solution was successfully demonstrated at the Faculty of Medicine of University of Perugia. The first experiences with the demonstrated solution were already published in our MoWNet’14 article.
New MediaNets publications at the International conference on selected topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking – MoWNet’2014
We presented our two accepted papers successfully during the MoWNet’2014 in Rome with titles “Context-aware IPv6 Flow Mobility for Multi-Sensor based Mobile Patient Monitoring and Tele-consultation” and “Client-based and Cross-Layer Optimized Flow Mobility for Android Devices in Heterogeneous Femtocell/Wi-Fi Networks“. For media and other information visit MoWNet’s homepage! Please see our papers in the publications section!