Name of module
Media Communication Networks
Credit Points (ECTS)
Person Responsible for Module (Name, Mail address)
Vilmos Simon,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Department of Networked Systems and Services
1. Prerequisites for Participation
Bachelor level knowledge and skills in computer networks
2. Intended Learning Outcomes
Students who have successfully finished this module
- can identify the whole process of media delivery in IP based communication networks (a)
- are capable of analyzing and designing IP based communication networks, together with the special requirements when transmitting real-time media in the network (b)
- know how to introduce Quality of Service principles for media communication networks, together with the special requirements of user mobility (b)
3. Content
Protocol architectures, Local Area Networks, Broadband Wireless Access, Next generation mobile cellular networks, Mobile ad hoc networks, Wireless sensor networks, Routing, IPv4, IPv6, Mobile IP, Transport protocols Media coding, Media transport, QoS and QoE principles, QoS provision, Mobility management, Handover management
4. Teaching and Learning Methods
3 weekly hours lecture
One major assignment
5. Assessment and Grading Procedures
Written exam at the end. Solving the assignments as a prerequisite.
6. Workload calculation (contact hours, homework, exam preparation,..)
3 weekly contact hours x 15 weeks = 45 h
2 weekly hours preparation and afterwork x 15 weeks = 30 h
1 assignment = 15 h
Exam preparation: 30 h
Total: 120 h
7. Frequency and dates
Offered every autumn semester.
8. Max. Number of Participants
9. Enrolment Procedures
See home page of the Faculty.
10. Recommended Reading, Course Material
- James F. Kurose , Keith W. Ross: Computer Networking, 5th edition, 2009 (ISBN-13: 9780136079675
- Minoru Etoh: Next Generation Mobile Systems 3G and Beyond, 2005 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, ISBN-13 978-0-470-09151-7 (HB), ISBN-10 0-470-09151-7 (HB)