Communication Technologies of Autonomous Vehicles (VIHIM008)




  • every Monday 9.15 – 12.00, room: IE 221
  • 2 breaks


  • 2018.12.17. 10:00-11:30 IE221
  • 2019.01.07. 10:00-11:30 IE221
  • 2019.01.14. 10:00-11:30 IE221

Homework presentations

  • Consultation on student assignments, work-in-progress presentations:  2018.12.03. 10:00-12:00, IE221
  • Presentation: 2018.12.10. 9:30-12:00, IE221
  • 15-20 minutes per student

Administrative information (requirements, etc.): VIHIM008


Other preparation materials:

Laboratory measurements:

  • Laboratory #1:
    • 5th of November 2018, Monday 9.00 – 12.00, BHE premises, Microwave communication technologies
  • Laboratory #2
    • 12st of November 2018, Monday, 9.00 – 12.00, UAV operation on the field
  • Laboratory #3
    • 19th of November 2018, Monday 9.15 – 12.00, room IE221, Introduction to V2X technologies
  • Laboratory #4
    • 26th of November 2018, Monday 9.15 – 12.00, room IE221, V2X application development

Topics for the homework based on a practical assignment:

Please send an e-mail to the coordinator about your selection. The assignment is based on FIFO. The submission of the presentation material (e.g. ppt/pptx, prezi, etc.) and the presentation itself are mandatory, but as an optional deliverable you can also submit a 5-10 pages short essay about your selected topic. Please prepare with 15-20 minutes presentations.

Date of presentations: 10th of December, 2018, 9:30-12:00, IE221

  1. SAFER-LC (László Bokor): Introduce the V2X techniques designed for safer railway level crossing in general and then introduce the SAFER-LC project!
  2. SENSORIS (László Bokor): Introduce the problem of in-vehicle collected sensor data transmission from vehicles to cloud in general and then introduce the efforts of the SENSORIS platform!
  3. SIP Japan (László Bokor): Introduce the japanese Strategic Innovation Promotion Program and focus on the activities/efforts/plans/results on Automated Driving Systems within this program!
  4. Ko-HAF (László Bokor): Introduce the german Ko-HAF (Cooperative highly automated driving) project!
  5. Real world implementations of collective decision and movement (Bernát Wiandt): summarize the state-of-the-art of existing testbeds, frameworks for robotic swarms (a broad survey showcasing several references is expected presenting motivation, challenges, existing solutions, challenges/trends, etc.)
  6. Communications in swarm robotics  (Bernát Wiandt): summarize the state-of-the-art of communication technologies used in swarms, explaining in details the special environment in swarm robotics, which effects the communication solutions. Present the various special hardware utilized in swarm robotics communication (a broad survey showcasing several references is expected presenting motivation, challenges, existing solutions, challenges/trends, etc.)
  7. GNSS systems on small UAVs (István Koller)
    • GNSS basics
    • Augmentation technologies
      • Satellite based augmentation
        • WAAS
        • EGNOS
      • Ground based augmentation
    • Small GNSS modules from ublox, including NEO M8P RTK technology
  8. Iridium Short Burst Message technology on small UAVs (István Koller)
    • Data rate of the service
      • Type of usage of the technology on a UAV
    • 9602 SBD Transceiver as a failsafe communication device on a small UAV